Hi 👋, I am

Adrià Martínez

Full Stack Developer


I am passionate about finding new ways to solve problems and bringing ideas to fruition.

I am deeply interested in software development and am always seeking to learn and improve my skills. I understand the importance of clean code and thorough testing to ensure that the code is maintainable, scalable and readable for other developers

I enjoy working in a team and collaborating with others to achieve common goals. With a focus on quality and innovation, I always strive to challenge myself and overcome any obstacles that come my way.



  • Javascript iconJavascript
  • Typescript iconTypescript
  • HTML5 iconHTML5
  • CSS3 iconCSS3
  • Astro iconAstro
  • React iconReact
  • Redux iconRedux
  • Jest iconJest
  • Testing Library iconTesting Library
  • Bem iconBem
  • Tailwind iconTailwind
  • SASS iconSASS
  • MUI iconMUI
  • Styled Components iconStyled Components
  • NodeJS iconNodeJS
  • Express iconExpress
  • MongoDB iconMongoDB
  • JSON Web Token iconJSON Web Token
  • Sharp iconSharp
  • Supabase iconSupabase


  • Tweeter

    Full Stack
    Tweeter icon

    Tweeter is a clone of Twitter, in which users can create, delete, and edit tweets. However, deleting and editing tweets is only allowed if the user is the author of the tweet. In addition, it has a function of filtering tweets by category, allowing users to search and view specific tweets.

    • Typescript
    • React
    • Redux
    • MUI
    • NodeJS
    • Express
    • MongoDB
  • Tool AI

    Tool AI icon

    Tool AI is a website where users can use AI to detect if a email is spam or not, and to generate questions and answers to programming languages. This is a submission for a hackaton of streamer midudev

    • Typescript
    • React
    • Redux
    • Tailwind